Frame rate should a baseball game be shot at?

7 months 1 week ago #757529 by Uplander
I’ve been asked to shoot a charity baseball game and I have zero experience with shooting baseball games or really any sports for that mater.  The organization that reached out to me is OK with that too.  What frame rate should I shoot this video in?  30 or 60?  

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7 months 6 days ago #757548 by Happy Hour
Well if you look at most sports on TV, that is shot at 30 fps.  Now if you plan on slowing things down, switch to 60 or 120 fps

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7 months 6 days ago #757568 by icepics
Go early, figure out good vantage spots. Think about the time of day and what the light is like.

Get a roster. Try to get at least one good shot of everyone with the number showing and name on the back. Make sure during the game you get something of every player. Find out what position everyone is playing and where they are in the lineup so you can keep track of who's up.

Catch warmups, that can be a good time to make sure you've got a photo of everyone. Get shots of the dugout early on for group shots of players on the bench togerher (for each team). And being a charity game get pregame events and presentations. They may want some crowd shots too.

Shooting sports is about the timing. Try to anticipate the play.

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7 months 3 days ago #757690 by ThatNikonGuy

icepics wrote: Go early, figure out good vantage spots. Think about the time of day and what the light is like.

Get a roster. Try to get at least one good shot of everyone with the number showing and name on the back. Make sure during the game you get something of every player. Find out what position everyone is playing and where they are in the lineup so you can keep track of who's up.

Catch warmups, that can be a good time to make sure you've got a photo of everyone. Get shots of the dugout early on for group shots of players on the bench togerher (for each team). And being a charity game get pregame events and presentations. They may want some crowd shots too.

Shooting sports is about the timing. Try to anticipate the play.

:agree:  very good advice

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7 months 1 day ago #757757 by TCav
For right-handed batters or left handed pitchers, you need to be on the first base side to get third faces. Correspondingly, for left handed batters or right handed pitchers, you need to be on the third base side.

Most of the action will be in the infield, so stay close, but be ready to shoot the outfield with a long lens.

The ball could be hit in any direction so the best place to capture it is to be on the first base side, but most of the throws will be to the first baseman, and the best place to capture that action will be on the third base side, a bit beyond third base.

There's no way to tell ahead of time where the action will be, but follow the fielders more than the base runners.




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